Use of Facebook

Facebook is a social network. What does that mean? On this website you can be in contact with other people and share publications such as photos, videos, opinions, events. It can be used from a computer, a tablet or from the mobile phone itself.

To create an account on Facebook can be done by indicating the mobile phone or email that is available.

Once registered in the application, you can modify the profile photo and add personal data.

Next, it is advisable to set up our Facebook account to protect our privacy and to be sure that we only share our photos with those we want.

To do this, in the Account Settings option, we can define the security conditions of the same and privacy conditions to ensure who can see your photos or videos, who can request your friendship on Facebook, etc.

Creating content on Facebook is very simple. In the section "What are you thinking?" You can write comments and add photos or videos to the publication, as well as share the location, the place where the image was made, link someone of your friends to the publication, etc.

On Facebook there are also groups to be part of. These are people with common interests, on any subject, and who can participate in groups whether or not they are our friends.

You can also establish communications with Facebook friends. The Messenger application allows you to connect with all the friends we have through Facebook immediately, through private messages, calls or video calls.

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